Ralph Johns

iChat Information Pages

Version 4

iChat Icon

These iChat 4 pages are coloured Gray and have the iChat 4 icon on them that was in use at the time, so you know where you are. The icon differs little from the Version 3 version.

These pages have sat here since 2008 with no update. In that time the AIM servers have been closed down (2017) and iChat has been superseded by Message and FaceTime. That effectively make this a sort of Historical Document of how it worked.

iChat 4 Pictures Firewall

You are In:- iChat >> Versions >> iChat 4 >> iChat 4 Pictures Index >> iChat 4 Buddy List Index >> Groups
3[5] 03 Groups Nov 2008

This Picture is to show you several things.

First the Buddy List can display Groups. This is set in the View Menu (Show Groups). You can choose to also show those that are Off-line as a separate group below to On-Line Buddies. Previously they were in a Slide that poked out one side of the Buddy List. Which side was determined by how close it was to the side of the Screen.

Secondly the Group Header Bars can be collapsed as some are in this one.

If you choose to Show Off-Line Buddies then the numbers on the right will be the Number of On-line / Number of Off-line Buddies.

If you choose to use the Show Off-line as Group option then the Numbers in the On-line groups will dsplay the number On-Line and the last, now Off-Line Group, will display the total that are Off Line.

Another option is to not use the Show Groups option and any collapsed Group title bar will only display the numbers of those On-Line.

A Change. Thirdly is to note the Names of the Groups I have. They are not the default ones. The action in iChat 3 when Adding New Group is to display them alphabetically in the List. This could be tweaked with the use of those ASCII Code characters that come before the numbers (which in fact come before "a"). This makes "* Tests" (star, space, word) come before "*Family" (star, word). Mine still use this format but in fact the Title Bars are now drag-able within the list (I suggest collapsing them all first so you do not have to pass all the names in one section).

The same thing can be acheived if you use the Plus Button at the bottom of the Buddy List and select Edit Groups where you can drag the list into the Order you want (and correct Spelling mistakes).

This in turn means that any New Buddy Group is added to the Bottom of the List no matter what letter it starts with and you have to put where you want it to be.

Next - The Buddy Pic

Created with JAlbum 4.0.6

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Sig Pic

Created October, 2008 Major Update/Edit October 2024.

 ©  Ralph Johns. Created October 2008

Information Block

This site is about iChat from Version 1 through to iChat 5.x.x
Mostly this is kept as an Historical Document. Some small tense changes have been made but the content is by and large untouched.

It has a mixture of basic info and problem solving help.

The sections below will change for Specifics about info on the page on view

About This Page

The Picture Shows an AIM Buddy List set to the new Invisible setting.

As Muliple AIM or Jabber Accounts can now be logged in the picture shows the Screen Name as Title to the Buddy List rather than "AIM" or "Jabber"

In iChat 3 Groups required Characters in the ASCII codes that came before the Alphabet to reorder the list. They remian on show in this picture but in fact in iChat 4 they are Draggable in the Account Pane of the Preferences. This in turn gives the Buddy Lists their Keystroke Numbers that appear in the Window Menu


As mentioned above this has had a major Edit/Update in September/October 2024 moving towards being fully HTML 5 compliant meaning that the Browsers listed below are likely to no longer work.

I have tested in Safari 18.1, Firefox 130.x and 131.0, Vivaldi 6.9.3447.48 and iCab 6.2.3 (All Mac Browsers) I don't have access to a PC let alone multiple browsers to test on.

The original pages worked with Win/IE 5.5 and later (should work in 5.0, but not confirmed), Firefox 2, Safari 3, Opera 9, iCab 3.02 and later, Mac/IE 5, Netscape 6 and later

Old browsers (IE version 4 or earlier, Netscape 4 or earlier) should/may only see a text-based page which, while not the prettiest option, is still entirely usable.

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