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02 File Menu. |
Oct 2008 |
2 File Menu |
This is the iChat 3 File menu.
New Chat is a method of Starting a Plain text chat. Double Clicking a Buddy in the Buddy list does the same thing as does highlighting a Buddy and using the Buddies Menu. It is also going to give you the choice of Audio, Video or Text as a first step.
New Chat with Person is a Direct Chat. In theory these use the UDP protocol and are more secure than the plain Text Chat. In Practice iChat will revert to the Plain Text chat method if no Files or Pictures are sent. Sending Files or Pictures in Chats however will convert a Plain Text chat to a Direct Chat.
Go to Chat... Bring up a box to enter a Room name. A New (room) name will create a room for you to Add your Buddies to for a Group Chat. An Existing name will be a Chatroom or group that someone else has created and may have people in it already.
Open and Open Recent will open any Saved chat you have made. They do not restart a Chat that has just ended. Nor can you restart a Chat with the same Buddies (or Buddies in Group chat). Open Recent will only open any previously Opened Chat (if it is still in the Recent List).The number of Recents can be changed in the System Preferences. The default is 10 but it can be anything from zero to 50 using Presets in a drop down.
You can use the Save As and save any Currently open Text chat at that point in time. Like other applications that prename things it offers you the same Name with Date &Time, as it does if you have set Save All Transcripts in the Messages Preferences pane of iChat, but here you can change it to whatever you want and tell it to be put wherever you want. Not making a choice will save it to the folder called iChats in side your Documents folder (~/Documents/iChats) which is where the Save All choice puts them. This item become Dark (Active) Text when a Chat window that can be saved is open.
I have never used the Print options so I can not comment.
The next left is the Edit Menu.
Created with JAlbum 4.0.6
Created October, 2008 Major Update/Edit October 2024.
© Ralph Johns. Created October 2008