Information Block
This site is about iChat from Version 1 through to iChat 4.x.x
It has a mixture of basic info and problem solving help.
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About This Page
This page describes briefly about iChat's (version 1) Functions
Formatting Text Chats
File Sending Including Pictures in Chats with reference to Setting the Chat Background at your end.
Deciding whether to Display Names, Buddy Pics or both in Text chat.
Brief reminder about the Start Up Screens
Pointing to the How-to on Adding Buddies.
A small piece on Smilies followed by the pic of the range in iChat 4 which included Thumbs Up and Down not in other versions
"AIM" can be used in such a fashion that it seems interchangeable. This is not always the case.
AIM For Mac - I will normally say when I mean this App. The latest (and last but current) is AIM 4.7
AIM on a PC - Several versions are in use:-
- AIM 5.5 Current about iChat 1
- AIM 5.9 Current from iChat 2 and remains in use.
- AIM 6.1, 6.5 & 6.8 Current from iChat 3 onwards 6.5 and after are somewhat Vista centric.
Buddy List
AIM - as in the primary function and Login of iChat. iChat version 1 was primarily a AIM IM Client. Whether you use a Name gained from AOL/AIM/Netscape or other AOL company or from Apple the server the Buddy list logs into is the AIM one.
In later versions the distinction between the AIM Buddy List and the Jabber one becomes more important. In iChat 1 we are concerned with just an AIM Buddy List and the Rendezvous/Bonjour one
(Rendezvous became Bonjour at Tiger (10.4) )
Screen Name
AIM - as in the Screen Name that you have in use as opposed to an Apple one.
(Apple have in July 2008 changed from using the .mac and names and moved current accounts to MobileMe. New MobileMe Screen Names come as suffixes if you did not have a @mac name before.)
.Mac, and @mac
As with "AIM" these terms can mean different things at different times.
Screen Names
As with AIM the most common spread of usage is about the Screen Names of you and your Buddies, with questions on the Apple Discussions Boards being "Do you/they have an account ?" or "Are you/they using an @mac Name ?"
Buddy List
It does seem odd after 5 years on iChat through version 1 - 4 but some people still seem surprised that iChat logs into the AIM servers with an Screen Name.
So again questions like this, using one of the terms, tend to get asked on the Apple Discussion Boards.
There is not a @Mac/.Mac IM application.
There is however an Preference Pane in System Preferences that is labeled .Mac (Until the MobileMe update) that has links with many Apple Applications such as iChat, the Address Book, possibly iTunes and in later OS versions iWeb
Confirmed to work with Win/IE 5.5 and later (should work in 5.0, but not confirmed),
Firefox 2, Safari 3, Opera 9, iCab 3.02 and later, Mac/IE 5, Netscape 6 and later
Old browsers (IE version 4 or earlier, Netscape 4 or earlier) should only see
a text-based page which, while not the prettiest option, is still entirely