
iChat 5 How-tos

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iChat 5: How-Tos Base Page

There is little change from iChat 4 to iChat 5 that comes with Snow Leopard that if you have Updated your Intel Mac computer to Snow Leopard then iChat will be easy for you.

If, on the other hand you have never used iChat before this page and the ones it links to are the places to Start.

First though the Quick Links iChat 5, Pictures and How-tos in the other iChat 5 Section of this site.


Menu For the Different How-to pages


They work in order as you need a Screen Name first before setting up iChat. Then obviously comes adding Buddies possibly Ordering the List and then Starting a Text Chat and so. as you can see from the markings some have drop downs to sections within a page.

Just to recap what you need before you start the Menu.

  1. A G3/600Mgz Processor Mac for Video. A G4/1Ghz Dual Processor or above to host Multi-chats in Video. An Intel for iChat 4 and 5 Backdrops.
  2. A "Broadband" Internet Connection of at least 128kbps in both Upload and Download speeds.
  3. A Mac with a Camera or an External Camera, Firewire or USB (Preferably USB 2.0).
  4. A Mac with an Internal Mic and Speakers or External versions including a headset (can be Bluetooth).



© Ralph Johns June 2010



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Information Block

This site is about iChat from Version 1 through to iChat 5.x

It has a mixture of basic info and problem solving help.

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