Ralph Johns

iChat Picture Pages


iChat In Pictures >> You are in Folder 8_Modem:Router and it's Sub folder Thomson Alcatel Modem

Thomson Alcatel in Pictures

These are the Pictures for a Thomson Alcatel Modem.
This one has UPnP as Port Forwarding. It is worth looking at the differences with the Linksys Router to get an idea of what these pictures are trying to get you to do.
Click on a picture to enlarge. There are then Navigation buttons to scroll through all the Pictures in this section.

This set of three pictures are mainly to show the differences between this and the Linksys pages. I hope that from between the two sets you might fathom your own device(s) better.

1 Modem NAPT

2 Modem UPnP

3 Modem DHCP

These are the Pictures for a Thomson Alcatel Modem.

This one has UPnP as Port Forwarding. It is worth looking at the differences with the Linksys Router to get an idea of what these pictures are trying to get you to do.

Click on a picture to enlarge. There are then Navigation buttons to scroll through all the Pictures in this section.

This device is or rather was a Modem that could route. This meant it issued IPs to the LAN side and used DHCP to do so (See the last pic to Turn it Off). The model was a Speedtouch 510v4 running version 4 firmware. I mention this as this device had another issue that is dealt with on page 4a

This device did not have Port Triggering (or any other of the names it goes under) so there is only Port Forwarding (called NAPT here) and UPnP to show you apart from the DHCP page.

Created with JAlbum 4.0.6

©  2005 Ralph Johns: Edited 24/9/2005, 5/5/2006
Updated September 2006
Updated October 2008

Information Block

This site is about iChat from Version 1 through to iChat 4.x.x

It has a mixture of basic info and problem solving help.

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About This Page

The Index page for the Thomson-Alcatel Speedtouch modem. The pictures are a bit old as this device was running version 4 firmware and they are now up to Version 7 in the newest devices and updates for older ones.

As I have said before though the main purpose of these two sets of pictures is comparison so that you can transpose the info to your own device.


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